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herbal Body

Private sessions are currently

held in vista, california


This is a ceremony for you and your body.

In service to your transformation,

regulation of your nervous system and

detoxification of anything that is physically

& energetically ready to be expelled.


This is a time for you to feel embraced by handcrafted medicines 

& find deep peace in this moment.

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All medicines used are very gentle & thoughtfully handcrafted by myself from either organically sourced / homegrown ingredients or ethically wildcrafted from this land.

though my practice hold a foundation -

each session is unique, with different herbal applications and practices that are there to serve your intention + what  wants to intuitively come through to support your body & soul



You can expect a typical session to include:

(60 to 90 minutes ) *prior to our session, we will have a brief consult to go over any areas of focus.


  • energy clearing with sacred smoke upon arrival

  • herbal skin wash (skin nourishing tea applied to skin)

  • light lymphatic drainage (movement of major lymph nodes)

  • body & face mask (clay or other herbal skin treatment)​

  • herbal facial steam (a way to tone skin, expel stuck energy, clear sinuses & open chest) 

  • herbal compresses (if needed for your healing)

  • light full body massage with herbal infused oil

  • body blessing​ + aftercare support 


Why this work is unique

+ important at this time


  • In service to Highly Sensitives, Trauma Recovery & Compromised Immune Systems 

my herbal practice for myself and others is nourish based. That means I work with common safe herbs that center around their nutrient density and gentleness on our bodies.  I purposefully choose practices and herbal medicines that will not intentionally overstimulate, shock the adrenals or be too forceful in any way. This is the way I have found much success in tending to our nervous system while encouraging the body to detox & release. These things are not contradictory. 



  • Quality, Emotional Intelligence & Self Awareness matter to me

the products and medicines I choose to use on my body & in my practice are intentionally simple, sourced with intention and cared for so that they maintain their medicinal integrity and hold a clean charge.

Likewise, as a space holder and someone who tends to my own body & field regularly, I also take it on as my responsibility to take ownership for what is mine emotionally while remaining as authentic as possible. It's how I feel I can create honest intimacy with others as well as hold space for where you are at in a heartfelt way. 


  • Remembering our Connection with Earth as our Health Care

I offer this work for you to feel held amongst the plants but also so that it can activate within you ways to take care of yourself long term in your own practice. These ways are how I tend to my own health and can encourage our innate ability to heal when we incorporate them as tools into our life. This treatment is open to any form of plant and land tending education I can offer as well. 

treatments held at
my home

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10am - 6pm 
off Gopher Canyon Road - Vista, Ca 92084

This work is a dream to me as someone who adores the physical aspects caretaking the land & body + creating sacred rituals around health, beauty, death & renewal + sharing my handcrafted medicines & meals + flexing my intuitive abilities 


*not to mention this was a literal dream I had from my soul to create!

I am incredibly honored to hold space for this work in my community. 

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Schedule your treatment through my bookings or email me directly at

important note* I am not a massage therapist nor a licensed dietitian. All body work is strictly for me to apply my herbal medicines as a form of compassionate service and luxury. My practice has developed from my own years of learnings of the body, apprenticeships in herbal medicine & healing techniques and direct application on my self and those closest to me. All advice given by me shall be taken in with this considered. 

I work with plants in their whole form. I do not lean on the use of essential oils in my herbal practice nor certified reiki healing techniques. All practices are either intuitive or derived from earth based wisdom & traditions.


"The land immersion offering that I experienced was truly magical. From the energy the land holds to the energy and container Celena holds I felt completely cared for mind body and soul. I could feel the intentionality behind every potion, modality, and aesthetic that was mindfully created and it was all presented in such an authentic and natural way. It felt like a healing spa that was preserved from ancient times that my body was so open and ready to receive.


I also find it so very special and unique that the products used where hand crafted by her with love and that’s she grows her own medicinal plants which I find adds another level of purpose and healing. It felt like she has been offering service to others in this way for lifetimes and I felt completely held and safe.


After I felt lighter and brighter as if I was glowing. Like I was physically and energetically suffocating under all the layers I’ve been shedding. Something more personal and internal I felt during the skin wash with black sage tea was a death ritual symbolically. It felt really comforting to honor those parts of self that I have been grieving with through many recent ego deaths.


All the plants used have such innate wisdom to personalize the experience for each individual and Celena as a guide was able to work synergistically to allow whatever needs to be witnessed and released. I recommend her offerings and support her higher calling of soul-service full heartedly"

- Haylea Adams 




"I will never forgot that time I was beginning to catch a cold, after traveling from Bali to California and having been so freezing on the airplane due to the over blasted AC, and Celena took my cold away with her treatments. I really believe in her capacity to heal the body in such a gentle, yet powerful way."

- Marcellus Milan 

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